April 2020
#Aktive solfacader #BIPV #Solceller #PV #Solfangere #Dagslys #IEA
By: Carolin Hubschneiderk, Christoph Maurer, John Hollick, Michaela Meir, Philippe Lemarchand, Roberto Garay, Tilmann E. Kuhn, Vickie Aagesen
Editor: Christoph Maurer and Bruno Bueno
Task 56 is part of the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Within Task 56, Subtask B aims to develop tools and strategies to foster the market penetration for industrialised solar envelope systems. This report outlines strategies for stakeholders of solar building envelopes (SBE) in order to deal with some of the market barriers that have been identified in a previous report (DB.1). The current report focuses on strategies for SBE manufacturers but includes strategies for other SBE stakeholders such as policy makers, architects, building owners and industry associations. In section 2, strategies are discussed to enhance the commercial success of SBE technologies in the current market situation. Section 3 then discusses strategies with regard to future changes in legal frameworks and boundary conditions. A summary of the proposed strategies is presented at the end.
Link til rapporten "Report on the development of strategies for market penetration"